Established in 1993, McLeod Rail is a civil contractor providing rail maintenance, construction and consulting solutions. As well as working within the rail freight and private siding environments, we also provide services and advice to heavy haul, passenger, freight and light rail operators. We provide services to asset owners as well as to rail project constructors, and to procuring entities.

Core Values
In 2014 we asked our staff their views on which core values best reflect our unique approach in our dealings with all our stakeholders, both external and internal.
Our staff told us they valued the following three values above all others, and accordingly they have been formally adopted as McLeod Rail's Core Values:
- Fair
- Progressive
- Non-adversarial
As a non-adversarial contractor we aim to build collaborative relationships with all stakeholders, but in particular our clients and our subcontractors. We see litigation and adversarial outcomes as damaging and very much a last resort and we always seek mediated alternatives to traditional contractor-client dispute resolution mechanisms.